I am organizing a workshop together with Prof. Freddy Bruckstein and Prof. Kiril Solovey on multi-agent systems. Link is https://iaac.technion.ac.il/workshops/2023/2023-10-23-inv.pdf
See you there!
I am organizing a workshop together with Prof. Freddy Bruckstein and Prof. Kiril Solovey on multi-agent systems. Link is https://iaac.technion.ac.il/workshops/2023/2023-10-23-inv.pdf
See you there!
Aviv Priel successfully defended his MSc thesis entitled “Consensus Kalman Filtering: Filter Design and Event-Triggering”.
Nati Peleg successfully defended his MSc thesis entitled “Economic Dispatch for a Network of Micro-Gas Turbines”.
Noam Leiter successfully defended his thesis. Congrats! He now spends his time aiming for the moon at his company, Lulav Space.
Check out the new website of the Philadelphia Flight Control Lab!
Congratulations to Dr. Miel Sharf, the ConNeCt labs newest PhD graduate. Miel is now at KTH for his post-doc.
I gave a plenary talk at the recent virtual MED2020 on our work related to passivity based methods in cooperative control and its connection to network optimization problems. The talk can be found online here: http://med2020.cran.univ-lorraine.fr/program.html
Together with Prof. Angelo Cenedese (University of Padua), we are presenting a full-day workshop on the Foundations of Formation Control. The workshop is sponsored by the Israel Association for Automatic Control and will be held on 11.11.2019 at the Daniel Hotel in Herzliya.
I am an invited speaker at the workshop Geometric constraint systems: rigidity, flexibility and applications, held at Lancaster University from June 11-14.
I am teaching a course on Multi-Agent Systems at the University of Padua this spring.